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      Well, here we are again.... 5 years older and wiser. We just wanted to take a quick second to welcome you back to the Class of 79 Reunion website and event pages. 


       Our goal is to find every single classmate and let them know about the reunion dates, so they don't get left out. Roger will be publishing lists of missing persons in the very near future and we would ask that everyone take a second to help out with any of those missing people. We also have a few spots left on some of the committees that we are looking for people to fill. This reunion is only going to be as good as we make it and the more of us that attend the better ...period.


        BILL Gazeley is this year's Treasurer and bookkeeper if you have any questions then please direct money questions to Bill. We have been contacted already by several of our classmates who have offered to donate funds to cover the expenses of those of us whose attendance would create a financial burden they aren't able to swing this time around ... please make your discrete inquiries with those questions to Bill also.


      This year's reunion is a big one because it's now been 45 years since we walked across that stage together and we are all now pushing 63 years of age and won't be around forever so it's especially important that you SAVE THESE DATES and make every effort to be may be your last chance to hang out with the people you grew up with


     Thank you in advance for your help and support we can't wait to see everyone in July ...


                           The Countdown begins now! 


                           The 45th Reunion Committee


Roger Alvey Debbie Webb and Barb Murray (Millicoma) Bill Gazeley, and many, many others we will be listing once the work begins












We Need Your Email Address!

Take a Second and give it to us so you don't miss anything! PLEASE! ...There I said Please!

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